What's New 最新情報
Torrance、Costa Mesa にて、恒例の無料査定&高価買取イベントを開催いたします!
Free Appraisal Event in Torrance & Costa Mesa by Ehime Pearl & Diamond!

2/21 Fri 2/22 Sat 10am~6pm
Redac Gateway Hotel (Meeting room C)
20801 S Western Ave, Torrance CA

Costa Mesa
2/20 Thu 10am~5pm
3420 Bristol St, suite 600 Costa Mesa CA

お問い合わせ・ご予約は619-261-0789 濱田まで。
Please call Toshi @619-261-0789 to make appointment.
Torrance、Costa Mesa にて、恒例の無料査定&高価買取イベントを開催いたします!
Free Appraisal Event in Torrance & Costa Mesa by Ehime Pearl & Diamond!

1/10Fri 1/11 Sat 10am~6pm
Redac Gateway Hotel (Meeting room C)
20801 S Western Ave, Torrance CA

Costa Mesa
1/9 Thu 10am~5pm
3420 Bristol St, suite 600 Costa Mesa CA

お問い合わせ・ご予約は619-261-0789 濱田まで。
Please call Toshi @619-261-0789 to make appointment.
Torrance、Costa Mesa にて、恒例の無料査定&高価買取イベントを開催いたします!
Free Appraisal Event in Torrance & Costa Mesa by Ehime Pearl & Diamond!

10/18 Fri 10/19 Sat 10am~6pm
Redac Gateway Hotel (Meeting room C)
20801 S Western Ave, Torrance CA

Costa Mesa
10/17 Thu 10am~5pm
3420 Bristol St, suite 600 Costa Mesa CA

お問い合わせ・ご予約は619-261-0789 濱田まで。
Please call Toshi @619-261-0789 to make appointment.
Torrance、Costa Mesa にて、恒例の無料査定&高価買取イベントを開催いたします!
Free Appraisal Event in Torrance & Costa Mesa by Ehime Pearl & Diamond!

7/19 Fri 7/20 Sat 10am~6pm
Redac Gateway Hotel (Meeting room C)
20801 S Western Ave, Torrance CA

Costa Mesa
7/18 Thu 10am~5pm
3420 Bristol St, suite 600 Costa Mesa CA

お問い合わせ・ご予約は619-261-0789 濱田まで。
Please call Toshi @619-261-0789 to make appointment.
Torrance、Costa Mesa にて、恒例の無料査定&高価買取イベントを開催いたします!
Free Appraisal Event in Torrance & Costa Mesa by ehime pearl & diamond!

6/7 Fri 6/8 Sat 10am~6pm
Redac Gateway Hotel (Meeting room C)
20801 S Western Ave, Torrance CA

Costa Mesa
6/6 Thu 10am~5pm
3420 Bristol St, suite 600 Costa Mesa CA

お問い合わせ・ご予約は619-261-0789 濱田まで。
Please call Toshi @619-261-0789 to make appointment.
Torrance、Costa Mesa にて、恒例の無料査定&高価買取イベントを開催いたします!
Free Appraisal Event in Torrance & Costa Mesa by ehime pearl & diamond!

4/12 Fri 4/13 Sat 10am~6pm
Redac Gateway Hotel (Meeting room C)
20801 S Western Ave, Torrance CA

Costa Mesa
4/11 Thu 10am~5pm
3420 Bristol St, suite 600 Costa Mesa CA

お問い合わせ・ご予約は619-261-0789 濱田まで。
Please call Toshi @619-261-0789 to make appointment.
Torrance、Costa Mesa にて、恒例の無料査定&高価買取イベントを開催いたします!
Free Appraisal Event in Torrance & Costa Mesa by ehime pearl & diamond!

3/1 Fri 3/2 Sat 10am~6pm
Redac Gateway Hotel (Meeting room C)
20801 S Western Ave, Torrance CA

Costa Mesa
2/29 Thu 10am~5pm
New office
3420 Bristol St, suite 600 Costa Mesa CA

お問い合わせ・ご予約は619-261-0789 濱田まで。
Please call Toshi @619-261-0789 to make appointment.
Torrance、Costa Mesa にて、恒例の無料査定&高価買取イベントを開催いたします!
Free Appraisal Event in Torrance & Costa Mesa by ehime pearl & diamond!

1/12 Fri 1/13 Sat 10am~6pm
Redac Gateway Hotel (Meeting room C)
20801 S Western Ave, Torrance CA

Costa Mesa
1/11 Thu 10am~5pm
New office
3420 Bristol St, suite 600 Costa Mesa CA

お問い合わせ・ご予約は619-261-0789 濱田まで。
Please call Toshi @619-261-0789 to make appointment.
Torrance、Costa Mesa にて、恒例の無料査定&高価買取イベントを開催いたします!
Free Appraisal Event in Torrance & Costa Mesa by ehime pearl & diamond!

9/29 Fri 9/30 Sat 10am~6pm
Redac Gateway Hotel (Meeting room C)
20801 S Western Ave, Torrance CA

Costa Mesa
9/28 Thu 10am~5pm
New office
3420 Bristol St, suite 600 Costa Mesa CA

お問い合わせ・ご予約は619-261-0789 濱田まで。
Please call Toshi @619-261-0789 to make appointment.
Torrance、そしてCosta Mesa にて、恒例の無料査定&高価買取イベントを開催いたします!
日程はTorranceが8月12日(金),13日(土),14日(日)の3日間, Costa Mesa が8月17日(水)のみの開催になります。

お問い合わせ・ご予約は619-261-0789 濱田まで。

Free Appraisal Event in Torrance & Costa Mesa by ehime pearl & diamond!
Event Dates for Torrance: August 12th (Fri), 13th (Sat), and 14th (Sun) from 10AM to 6PM. (till 4pm on 8/14)
Event Date for Costa Mesa: August 17th (Wed) 10AM to 6PM.

Please call Toshi @619-261-0789 to make appointment.
*The event will be held following the safety measures including socially distanced appointments, sanitization procedures, and face covering requirement.
Happy Holidays!
ehime pearl & diamond よりホリデーシーズンに感謝を込めて、お客様へギフトカードの贈り物です。
*ehime pearl & diamond は、お客様とスタッフの安全を第一に、CDCのガイドラインに沿って営業しております。ジュエリーの写真や商品価格等のご連絡をメールで対応も可能です。また、安全なカーブサイドピックアップも対応しておりますので、ご安心してご連絡ください。

A gift certificate for our special customers for this holidays from ehime pearl & diamond!
Please enjoy up to $200 of gift certificate for someone special, for anniversary, or/and to treat yourself with fabulous jewelry!

*ehime pearl & diamond follows CDC guidelines to protect our clients & employees. Jewelry photos & pricing available by e-mail as well as convenient curbside pickup.
Did you know that pearl necklaces and bracelets need to be restrung
Every few Years?

The thread discolors from makeup and from our body oils.

Let us examine your pearl necklace and bracelet to see if it is time for restringing.

We are having a special restringing
Promotion February 15th thru March 31th.

You will receive 1/2 price on this service:

Please call to make an appointment and further information.
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Check us out on Yelp!